Haskell Intro to the Typeclassopedia

Handré Stolp

January 13, 2014


The module declaration and imports

> {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
> module Slides where
> import Control.Applicative
> import Control.Monad
> import Data.Monoid
> import Data.Maybe
> import Data.Char
> import Debug.Trace
> import System.Random

Some Hints to follow the code

($) :: (a -> b) -> a -> b
f $ x =  f x

(.)    :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
(.) f g = \x -> f (g x)

Typeclassopdedia Diagram




class Monoid a where
  mempty  :: a
  mappend :: a -> a -> a
  mconcat :: [a] -> a
  mconcat = foldr mappend mempty
mempty `mappend` x = x
x `mappend` mempty = x
(x `mappend` y) `mappend` z = x `mappend` (y `mappend` z)

Coord Type

> newtype Coord a = Coord {unCoord :: (a,a)} deriving (Eq, Ord)
> instance Show a => Show (Coord a) where show = show . unCoord

Coord Functor

> instance Functor Coord  where
>     fmap f (Coord (x,y)) = Coord (f x, f y)

Coord Applicative

> instance Applicative Coord where
>     pure a = Coord (a,a)
>     Coord (g, h) <*> Coord (x, y) = Coord (g x, h y)

Coord Monoid

> instance Monoid a => Monoid (Coord a) where
>    mempty = Coord (mempty, mempty)
>    Coord (lx, ly) `mappend` Coord (rx, ry) = Coord (lx <> rx, ly <> ry)

Coord Operators

> (|+|) :: Num a => Coord a -> Coord a -> Coord a
> infixl 6 |+|
> a |+| b = (+) <$> a <*> b
> (|-|) :: Num a => Coord a -> Coord a -> Coord a
> infixl 6 |-|
> a |-| b = (-) <$> a <*> b

Extents Type

> newtype Extents a = Extents {coordFromExtents :: Coord a} deriving (Eq, Ord)
> extentsFromCoord :: Num a => Coord a -> Extents a
> extentsFromCoord c = Extents . fmap abs $ c
> instance Show a => Show (Extents a) where show = show . coordFromExtents

Bounds Type

> data Bounds a = Bounds { boundsCentre :: Coord a
>                        , boundsExtent :: Extents a
>                        }  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
> class Divisor a where divideBy' :: a -> a -> a
> instance Divisor Double where divideBy' = (/)
> instance Divisor Float where divideBy' = (/)
> instance Divisor Int where divideBy' = div
> instance Divisor Integer where divideBy' = div
> instance (Divisor a, Num a, Eq a) => Monoid (Bounds a) where
>     -- A zero extents bounds is considered empty
>     mempty = Bounds (Coord (0,0)) (extentsFromCoord . Coord $ (0,0))
>     -- Appending empty to anything does not change it
>     Bounds _ (Extents (Coord (0,0))) `mappend` r = r
>     l `mappend` Bounds _ (Extents (Coord (0,0))) = l
>     -- Appending two non empties
>     l `mappend` r = Bounds c $ extentsFromCoord e
>         where
>             -- centre is the average of the two centres
>             c = (`divideBy'`2) <$> boundsCentre l |+| boundsCentre r
>             -- extents is the sum of the two extents
>             e = (coordFromExtents . boundsExtent $ l) |+| (coordFromExtents . boundsExtent $ r)

Convenience Integer Typedefs

> type CoordI = Coord Int
> type ExtentsI = Extents Int
> type BoundsI = Bounds Int
> coordI :: Int -> Int -> Coord Int
> coordI x y = Coord (x,y)

Fill Type

> data Fill c a = Fill  { queryFill  :: Coord c -> a
>                       , fillBounds :: Bounds c
>                       , moveFill   :: Coord c -> Fill c a
>                       }

Fill Functor and Monoid

> instance Functor (Fill c) where
>     fmap g Fill  { queryFill = q
>                  , fillBounds = b
>                  , moveFill = m
>                  } = Fill (fmap g q)            -- map g over q to get new query
>                           b 
>                           ((fmap . fmap) g m)   -- lift g twice before applying to m to the new move function
> instance (Monoid a, Monoid (Bounds c)) => Monoid (Fill c a) where
>     mempty = Fill (const mempty) mempty (const mempty)
>     a `mappend` b = Fill (queryFill a <> queryFill b)       -- concat the result of the query
>                          (fillBounds a <> fillBounds b)     -- sum the bounds
>                          (moveFill a <> moveFill b)         -- concat the results of the move

Filling Primitives

> fillCircle :: (Real c, Divisor c, Monoid a) => a -> c -> Coord c -> Fill c a
> fillCircle val radius pos = Fill qry bnds mv
>     where
>     -- When the coordinate is within the radius distance from the centre produce
>     qry crd | coordLength (crd |-| pos) <= realToFrac radius  = val
>             | otherwise                                       = mempty
>     -- The bounds is a square centred around the position
>     bnds = Bounds pos (Extents . Coord $ (radius, radius))
>     -- Moving it construct circle with new centre
>     mv pos' = fillCircle val radius (pos |+| pos') 
> fillRectangle :: (Real c, Divisor c, Monoid a) => a -> c -> c -> Coord c -> Fill c a
> fillRectangle val w h pos = Fill qry bnds mv
>     where
>     -- When the coordinate is within bounds of the rectangle produce
>     qry crd | let (x, y) = unCoord $ abs <$> (crd |-| pos) 
>                   in x <= halfW && y <= halfH       = val
>             | otherwise                             = mempty
>     halfW = w `divideBy'` 2
>     halfH = h `divideBy'` 2
>     -- the rectangle is its bounds
>     bnds = Bounds pos (Extents . Coord $ (halfW, halfH))
>     -- Moving it constructs a new rectangle centred on the new position
>     mv pos' = fillRectangle val w h (pos |+| pos') 

Drawing ASCII

> class ProduceChar a where produceChar :: a -> Char -- map some value to a Char
> instance ProduceChar Char where 
>     produceChar = id    -- always produces itself (hence id)
> instance ProduceChar a => ProduceChar (Maybe a) where
>     produceChar Nothing   = ' '             -- when nothing produce space
>     produceChar (Just a) = produceChar a    -- when something produce the related Char
> instance ProduceChar a => ProduceChar (Last a) where 
>     produceChar = produceChar . getLast
> lastChar :: Char -> Last Char
> lastChar = Last . Just
> drawFillMatrix :: ProduceChar a => Int -> Int -> Fill Int a -> IO ()
> drawFillMatrix cs ls fl = putStrLn $ ios cs2 ls
>     where
>         cs2      = cs * 2
>         -- we map produceChar over the result of the query
>         flToChar = queryFill . fmap produceChar $ fl    
>         ios 0 0  = []
>         -- end of each line we add a new line
>         ios 0 l  = '\n' : ios cs2 (l-1)
>         -- we iterate over the coordinates in our matrix
>         ios c l  = (flToChar $ Coord (cs - c `div` 2, ls - l)) : ios (c-1) l

Example Picture

> myPicture :: IO ()
> myPicture = drawFillMatrix 40 40 (border <> moveFill image (coordI 5 5))
>     where
>         border =  fillRectangle (lastChar '+') 1 1 (coordI 0 0)
>                <> fillRectangle (lastChar '+') 1 1 (coordI 40 40)
>                <> fillRectangle (lastChar '+') 1 1 (coordI 40 0)
>                <> fillRectangle (lastChar '+') 1 1 (coordI 0 40)
>         image =  fillCircle    (lastChar 'X') 11  (coordI 15 15)
>               <> fillCircle    (lastChar '#') 7   (coordI 15 15)
>               <> fillRectangle (lastChar '$') 6 6 (coordI 15 15)
>               <> fillCircle    (lastChar ' ') 2   (coordI 15 15)
+                                                                              +
                   XXXXXXXX######$$$$$$  $$$$$$######XXXXXXXX                   
                   XXXXXXXX######$$$$      $$$$######XXXXXXXX                   
                 XXXXXXXX########$$          $$########XXXXXXXX                 
                   XXXXXXXX######$$$$      $$$$######XXXXXXXX                   
                   XXXXXXXX######$$$$$$  $$$$$$######XXXXXXXX                   
+                                                                              +


+                                                                              +
               XX            CC        XX                  XX                   
                                                         DD    CC               
                                                         DD  CCCCCCCCCCCC       
                                                         DD        XX           
+                                                                              +
Guess r c / Cheat 'c' / New Game 'n' / Quit 'q'

Defining ships

> -- Type of ship
> data ShipType = Cruiser | Destroyer
> -- what character is produced by the ship type
> instance ProduceChar ShipType where
>     produceChar Cruiser = 'C'
>     produceChar Destroyer = 'D'
> -- How is the ship oriented on the board
> data ShipOrientation = ShipVertical | ShipHorizontal deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Bounded)
> -- Make a cruiser ship given an orientation and a centre
> cruiser :: ShipOrientation -> CoordI -> Fill Int (Last ShipType)
> cruiser o pos = case o of
>     ShipVertical    -> fillRectangle t 2 3 pos <> fillCircle t 2 (pos |-| coordI 0 3)
>     ShipHorizontal  -> fillRectangle t 3 2 pos <> fillCircle t 2 (pos |-| coordI 3 0)
>     where
>         t = Last . Just $ Cruiser
> -- Make a destroyer ship given an orientation and a centre
> destroyer :: ShipOrientation -> CoordI -> Fill Int (Last ShipType)
> destroyer o pos = case o of
>     ShipVertical    -> fillRectangle t 1 2 pos 
>                     <> fillCircle t 2 (pos |-| coordI 0 3) 
>                     <> fillCircle t 2 (pos |+| coordI 0 3)
>     ShipHorizontal  -> fillRectangle t 2 1 pos 
>                     <> fillCircle t 2 (pos |-| coordI 3 0) 
>                     <> fillCircle t 2 (pos |+| coordI 3 0)
>     where
>         t = Last . Just $ Destroyer

Laying out the board

> layoutBoard :: Int -> Int -> [Fill Int (Last ShipType)] -> [Fill Int (Last ShipType)]
> layoutBoard _ _ [] = []
> layoutBoard w h ships = ships'
>     where
>         ships' = foldl findPlace [] shipsInBnds
>         shipsInBnds = map toBnds ships
>         toBnds s = let 
>                     bnds  = fillBounds s 
>                     Coord (cx, cy) = boundsCentre bnds
>                     Coord (ex, ey) = coordFromExtents . boundsExtent $ bnds
>                     dx = if cx < ex then ex - cx else (if cx + ex > w then w - cx - ex  else 0)
>                     dy = if cy < ey then ey - cy else (if cy + ey > h then h - cy - ey  else 0)
>                     in moveFill s (coordI dx dy)
>         findPlace [] n = [n]
>         findPlace ps n = ps <> [offset (mconcat ps) n (coordI 0 0) 0]
>         offset chk n o m = 
>                          let 
>                          n' = if m >= 2 * w * h then error "fails" else moveFill n o 
>                          bnds = fillBounds n'
>                          Coord (cx, cy) = boundsCentre bnds
>                          Coord (ex, ey) = coordFromExtents . boundsExtent $ bnds
>                          cs = [coordI x y | x <- [(cx - ex) .. (cx + ex)], y <- [(cy - ey) .. (cy + ey)]]
>                          in if isOk chk n' cs 
>                             then n'
>                             else offset chk n (incOff o) (m+1)
>         isOk chk n cs = let 
>                         bnds  = fillBounds n
>                         Coord (cx, cy) = boundsCentre bnds
>                         Coord (ex, ey) = coordFromExtents . boundsExtent $ bnds
>                         xOk = cx >= ex && cx + ex <= w
>                         yOk = cy >= ey && cy + ey <= h
>                         in xOk && yOk && (not . getAny . mconcat . map (Any . col chk n) $ cs)
>         col chk n c = let 
>                          a = getLast . queryFill chk $ c
>                          b = getLast . queryFill n $ c
>                          in case (a,b) of
>                             (Just _, Just _) -> True
>                             _                -> False
>         incOff (Coord (x,y)) | x >= w && y >= h = Coord (0, 0)
>                              | x >= w           = Coord (0, y + 1)
>                              | otherwise        = Coord (x + 1, y)

Making a random board

> randomBoard :: StdGen -> (StdGen, [Fill Int (Last ShipType)])
> randomBoard gen = 
>     let ship = ZipList . map ([destroyer, cruiser] !!) . randomRs (0, 1) $ gen
>         orient = ZipList . map ([ShipVertical,ShipHorizontal] !!) . randomRs (0, 1) $ gen
>         cxs = ZipList . randomRs (0, 40) $ gen
>         cys = ZipList . randomRs (0, 40) $ gen
>     in ( mkStdGen . fst . random $ gen
>        , layoutBoard 40 40 . take 5 . getZipList $ ship <*> orient <*> (coordI <$> cxs <*> cys)
>        )

Managing the game

> data Game = Game { ships     :: [Fill Int (Last ShipType)] -- the alive ships
>                  , board     :: Fill Int (Last Char)       -- the board showing choices and dead ships
>                  }
> -- Helper that maps a ship to characters
> shipToBrd :: Fill Int (Last ShipType) -> Fill Int (Last Char)
> shipToBrd s = Last . (fmap produceChar) . getLast <$> s
> -- Helper action that draws the game board for us
> drawBrd :: Fill Int (Last Char) -> IO ()
> drawBrd = drawFillMatrix 40 40  
> -- Action starting a new game
> playNewGame :: StdGen -> IO ()
> playNewGame gen = let 
>                   -- we generate a random board
>                   (gen', ships) = randomBoard gen
>                   -- draw the border '+' characters using the normal Applicative instance for list
>                   -- to get all the corner combinations
>                   border = mconcat $ map (fillRectangle (lastChar '+') 1 1) (coordI <$> [0,40] <*> [0,40]) 
>                   -- and then we start the game
>                   in playGame gen' (Game ships border)
> -- when we chose to cheat we show the board with all the ships on it and then continue playing
> cheatGame :: StdGen -> Game -> IO ()
> cheatGame gen g = drawBrd (board g <> (mconcat . map shipToBrd . ships $ g)) >> playGame gen g
> -- when we win the game we can choice to play a new one
> wonGame :: StdGen -> IO () 
> wonGame gen = do
>     putStrLn "You won the game. Play another ? 'y'/'n'"
>     t <- getLine
>     case filter (not . isSpace) t of
>         'y' : _ -> playNewGame gen
>         'Y' : _ -> playNewGame gen
>         'n' : _ -> return ()
>         'N' : _ -> return ()
>         _       -> wonGame gen
> takeShot :: String -> StdGen -> Game -> IO ()
> takeShot t gen g = let 
>     r : c : _ = map (read) (words t)
>     -- The board is updated
>     b = board g 
>         -- With an 'X' showing where we guessed
>         <> fillRectangle (lastChar 'X') 1 1 (coordI r c) 
>         -- And the display of all the ships which were hit
>         <> (mconcat . map shipToBrd $ hit)
>     -- Hit ships are those which produce at the coordinate
>     produces = isJust . getLast . (\q -> q (coordI r c)) . queryFill
>     hit = filter produces (ships g)
>     -- Missed ships are those which do not produce at the coordinate
>     miss = filter (not . produces) (ships g)
>     -- The new game state is all the missed ships and the updated board
>     in playGame gen (Game miss b)
> playGame :: StdGen -> Game -> IO ()
> playGame gen g = if win g then wonGame gen else do 
>     drawBrd . board $ g    
>     putStrLn "Guess r c / Cheat 'c' / New Game 'n' / Quit 'q'"
>     t <- getLine
>     case filter (not . isSpace) t of
>         'c' : _ -> cheatGame gen g
>         'C' : _ -> cheatGame gen g
>         'n' : _ -> playNewGame gen
>         'N' : _ -> playNewGame gen
>         'Q' : _ -> return ()
>         'q' : _ -> return ()
>         _       -> takeShot t gen g
>     where 
>        win (Game [] _) = True
>        win _ = False

Main function entry point

> main :: IO ()
> main = do
>     putStrLn "An exmaple picture"
>     myPicture
>     _ <- putStrLn "enter any text to continue " >> getLine
>     gen0 <- getStdGen
>     playNewGame gen0
>     return ()